Art Director, concept, photographs, content, and book design: Þura Stína
Photos of project: Eygló Gísladóttir
Translation in Italian: Mattia Roma
Designed in Milan. Printed in Reykjavík
A book designed at NABA in MA in Visual Design and Integrated Marketing Communication.
I started taking photos of the entrances in Milan because I found them so beautiful. Then I went home and took pictures of the entrances in my city, Reykjavik to compare them. For me, they were very ordinary, something that I had seen a million times, something that to me was nothing more than a common thing. A part of my existence, my culture, and my life.
When I went back to Milan and was showing the people who live here my ordinary and boring entrances in Reykjavik they saw something totally different.
Beautiful things, very different entrances than they have walked in and out their whole lives. “I have to go to Reykjavik”, my professor said. At the same time, I was thinking: “I have to stay in Milan”.
We might think a lot more of going someplace than staying in one. Less on where we are at but rather how can we get there? More about what will happen in the future rather than the past who is behind the door we just closed.
There is a saying that goes like this: “When you shut one door, another opens”. It tells us that you can find more opportunities even though something else is ending. The proverb suggests an image that life is in fact a room with many entrances but what door we will choose is only up to ourselves.
But a new door doesn't just appear, we have to go out and find it, find the opportunities. Close one door and open another. Close one door and open a whole new universe.
Entrances might be an ordinary thing, a design that makes us able to shut the door behind us, give us privacy, make our very own world. We walk in and out of them every single day.
What is inside the entrance is surely more interesting than the entrance itself. However, I wanted to shine a light on those ordinary things, something we use every day but don´t really pay attention to.
Something that just is and will be.